My Sole Camp NaNoWriMo Post

Just Like My Sole Word Count Update on Their Site

Jeffrey Allan Boman
2 min readJul 31, 2021

You’d think after 17 years I’d remember to post WC often, but I only did yesterday when I posted for my win.

My primary project was the third draft of a story from Camp three years ago. I thought I’d finish it in five days.

Cocky. Arrogant. Hubris. Wrong.

My final polish was on the 19th.

Vindication goes to my beta readers. If they like it, it will go to my email list. Then it will be a KindleSingle for others to buy.

That’s not where I stopped, though. I began a new story. I’ll need something fresh to entice new readers to that list. That one I’ll produce faster. I’ll soon finish the second draft of my novel. In my break between drafts, I’ll work on my story.

Speaking of That Story:

I didn’t like the first title I gave it (few writers do). But, I came up with a better one that might stick,

(I’m not being cryptic, but I won’t reveal it until a] the story is ready and 2] titles can always change.)

What I do tomorrow: after a two-day break, go back to my novel. Real writers don't rest on their laurels.

Get a short story.



Jeffrey Allan Boman

Hi. I’m Jeffrey A. Boman. I help other writers improve their prose, and be more prolific. Join my list here: