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Romance is the best-selling genre. Fantasy and Science Fiction are close,e behind. The two almost go hand in hand. Many fans of Science Fiction are also Fantasy fans.
I have a theory for why: this may be controversial for some, but Science Fiction is Fantasy. Regardless of definition, many of the elements we read in the Science Fiction genre are fantasy to us now.
Hyperspace ships faster than light? We can’t go more than the speed of sound. For now, it’s fantasy.
Alien races? We haven’t met one yet. Fantasy.
Many worlds with their civilizations? We haven’t colonized anything or even left our solar system — a nice dream, but again, fantasy.
The first thing to consider determines answers to many of your genre considerations.
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Even though I’ve put a backlink to my previous article, this part bears repeating:
Note: all these tell you the genre/backdrop of your story. Your characters and how they interact…